Nannette Ines Rose

13.04.1950 - 06.01.2025

Funeral Service Information

Funeral Service at Mintlyn Crematorium on Thursday, 30 January, 2025 at 2:30 pm

Funeral Home: TFS - Kings Lynn


Donations can be made on behalf of the bereaved to their choice of charity.

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Remembering an amazing lady who loved her pearls xx


"God gives us Memories that we might have Roses in December" X

daff askew

Lovely lady fond memories of years ago teaching you and Robert to dance at the Majestic rest in peace Nanette dancing with the angels xx



At a very difficult time I could not fault Thornalley. Everything was organised so very well and they covered everything.I had nothing to worry about and they were also very professional and kind, caring and compassionate.

Wendy Bensley

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