Music & Hymns

Personalise the service with Music and Hymns that will reflect the memories of your loved ones.

Music for a Funeral Service in Church

Music can be played as the coffin is carried in and out of the church. Please note: The Minister would need to give consent.

If no music is requested, the organist will play something appropriate upon entry and exit.

Music for a Funeral Service at the Crematorium

Music can be played as we carry the coffin into the chapel, during the service and when we exit the chapel. All music is downloaded onto the crematorium music system via a specialist company.

We need to know your music choices for Church and Crematorium services as soon as possible please:

The title of the song/hymn


Order to be played


Please Note: Music at the crematorium is provided by Obitus, a specialist company. Due to strict copyright laws some versions of songs on YouTube are unable to be downloaded onto the crematorium system.


For Obitus music library click here. If you can’t find your chosen music, in most cases Obitus can find it.


Popular Funeral Music – Please click here for ideas and help.


The following is a selection of more popular hymns however, there are many more you can choose from:

Abide with me

All things bright and beautiful

Alleluia! sing to Jesus

Amazing grace

And did those feet (Jerusalem)

Blest are the pure in heart

Dear Lord and Father of mankind

Eternal Father strong to save

Guide me, O thou great Redeemer

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds

I am the bread of life

I heard the voice of Jesus say

I vow to thee my country

Immortal invisible God only wise

In Heavenly love abiding

Jesus lives! thy terrors now

Jesus, lover of my soul

Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us

Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy

Love divine, all loves excelling

Love’s redeeming work is done

Make me a channel of your peace

Morning has broken

Now thank we all our God

O God, our help in ages past

O Jesus, I have promised

O Love that wilt not let me go

Old rugged cross

Onward Christian soldiers

Peace, perfect peace

Praise my soul, the King of Heaven

Rock of ages, cleft for me

The day thou gavest, Lord is ended

The King of love my Shepherd is

The strife is o’er, the battle done

There is a green hill far away

There is a Redeemer

Thine be the glory

We plough the fields and scatter

When I survey the wondrous cross


All staff was excellent, Andrew in particular where nothing was any trouble with what was a difficult time for all the family. They made the process so much easier for which we are all eternally grateful. Thank you.

Caryl Prior